The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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UK Data Service: Secure Lab

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The UK Data Service SecureLab has enabled secure access to the most sensitive and confidential data in the collection since 2011. SecureLab provides controlled access to data that are too detailed, sensitive or confidential to be made available under less restrictive access levels. 

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Title Description Collections
Linking external business data to ONS business data

The UK Data Service is able to assist researchers wishing to link external business data to ONS business data in the Secure Lab. This guide provides all the information needed to guide users wishing to link external business data to ONS business data. 

Training Discovery Toolkit
Secure Lab User Guide

This is a guide to the UKDS Secure Lab. Within this guide, users can find everything they need to know in order to access and use the highly detailed, sensitive data available via the UKDS SecureLab.

Training Discovery Toolkit
UK Business Data User Conference 2021

The UK Data Service and the Office for National Statistics (UK) held a business data conference in 2021. This resource provides all slides, recordings and other useful materials from the conference. 

The conference included a mixture of presentations from the  Office for National Statistics  (ONS), UK Data Service, and researchers who have used data from the UK Surveys covering the areas of business, industry and trade. 

Training Discovery Toolkit