The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Use the search bar to discover materials or browse through the collections. The filters will help you identify your area of interest.


Statistical software

Title Body
Library Carpentry

Library Carpentry workshops teach people working in library- and information-related roles how to:

  • Cut through the jargon terms and phrases of software development and data science and apply concepts from these fields in library tasks;
  • Identify and use best practices in data structures;
  • Learn how to programmatically transform and map data from one form to another;
  • Work effectively with researchers, IT, and systems colleagues;
  • Automate repetitive, error prone tasks.
Harvard University: online courses

About 200 online courses dedicated to various disciplines including humanities and social sciences.

Software Carpentry

Teaching basic lab skills for research computing. Lessons and workshops in three core topics: the Unix shell, version control with Git, and a programming language (Python or R).