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FAIR data
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Good Practices in FAIR Competence Education | This report presents a collection of seven case studies describing how FAIR competences are being addressed through education and training programmes. The good practices offer examples of successful integration of Research Data Management (RDM) and FAIR data-related skills in university curricula and training to provide an up-to-date perspective on how these skills are being implemented by higher education institutions. This report provides universities with points of inspiration and practical examples of how fellow institutions and organisations in the higher education sector addressed the need for more RDM and FAIR data-related skills to be taught at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels. It does so by analysing external and internal drivers, steps for the implementation, invested capacity and the impact reached by the good practices. |
Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe | The course includes a series of recorded videos, quizes, and practical assignments that will allow you to go through the course at your own pace. It invites researchers, students, trainers and data professionals and any other individual that is looking to gain basic knowledge on Open Science, EOSC and best practices for FAIR data. |
FAIR data management | Video is a talk by Anna Schwickerath (GESIS) on how to make your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). |
Meeting funders’ requirements – archiving and data sharing | YouTube Video: This introductory webinar is for anyone who is involved in the collection of data and is considering making (some of) their data available in accordance with funders’ requirements. This webinar aims to raise awareness about relevant key data management practices for sharing, specifically regarding data documentation, gaining consent, and data anonymisation. it provides a short theoretical introduction, including what FAIR means and how it is implemented, as well as practical illustrations drawing on a large-scale cross-national survey (the European Social Survey). It also provides some practical tips with respect to data archiving, in particular how to choose an appropriate archive or repository. |
Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 | Guidelines to help researchers make their research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), to ensure sound management. Good research data management is not a goal in itself, but rather the key conduit leading to knowledge discovery and innovation, and to subsequent data and knowledge integration and reuse. |
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Australian Research Data Commons Training Materials | The ARDC is a transformational initiative that enables Australian research community and industry access to nationally significant, leading edge data intensive eInfrastructure, platforms, skills and collections of high-quality data. The purpose of the ARDC is to provide Australian researchers with competitive advantage through data, providing access to leading edge eResearch collections, tools, infrastructure and services. Its mission is to accelerate research and innovation by driving excellence in the creation, analysis and retention of high-quality data assets. |
DANS Training | Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) is the Netherlands institute for permanent access to digital research resources. Since 2005, DANS has been supporting researchers, data professionals, other data archives, research institutions and research financiers with questions in the field of data management, certification, and topics such as FAIR, open access and software sustainability. In addition to data services, DANS also offers training and consultancy. Do you want to know more about depositing, sharing and reusing data? Or, for example, about research data management, digital sustainability, certification, FAIR, open access or software sustainability? The expertise built up in national and European projects is reflected in the training courses and advice provided by DANS, intended for researchers, research institutions, research funders, data professionals and other archives. Examples can be found on the DANS Training site. We are happy to share our knowledge with researchers, data professionals, research institutions, research funders and other repositories. We regularly organise interactive workshops on data publishing, archiving, reusability and interoperability. The developments in the field of Open Science, research data management planning and tools are also addressed. In addition, DANS organises successful interactive training courses together with others, such as: RDNL Essentials 4 Data Support, RDNL AVG and develops training materials such as the DANS Data Game and CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide. |