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Big Data

Title Body
Applied Data Visualization

The workshop Applied Data Visualization introduces students to the theory and methods underlying data visualization. Data analysts face an ever-increasing amount of data (→ big data) and rather revolutionary technological developments allow researchers to visually engage with data in unprecedented ways. Hence, data visualization is one of the most exciting fields in data science right now. In this workshop students acquire the skills to visualize data in R both for exploratory purposes as well as for the purpose of explanation/presentation. We'll rely on R, the most-popular statistical programming environment when it comes to visualization and we'll make use of popular R packages such as ggplot2 and plotly. Besides creating static graphs we'll also have a look at interactive graphs and discuss how interactive visualization may revolutionize how we present data & findings.

Please note, this is an example of a possible workshop. Some workshops are offered regularly. An updated workshop list is to be found under the link provided under the Access point.

SSDS 2018 - Summer School on Data Science Training Materials

Training materials used for the 3rd Int'l Summer School on Data Science (SSDS 2018)

Final resource accessible here: