The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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University of Sheffield

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GATE Training Course

The training materials are all based around teaching the use of GATE, a freely available open-source toolkit for Natural Language Processing that has been widely used in both academia and industry for many different tasks.

The modules provide instruction on how to get to grips with the GATE toolkit for basic language processing, as well as more advanced techniques, and include a number of different scenarios, such as processing social media, hate speech and misinformation detection. They include modules both for programmers who want to further develop their own tools within the toolkit, and for non-programmers who want to just make use of existing tools. The modules teach not only the use of GATE itself, but also how to adapt it to one’s own needs (for example, to adapt English tools to a different language, or how to customise existing tools), and also the basic concepts around a number of language processing tasks including both low-level (tokenisation, POS tagging, parsing) to more sophisticated (information extraction, social media analysis, hate speech detection, misinformation detection), as well as how to interpret and integrate the results of the processing. Finally, it teaches programmers how to extend the toolkit itself, by adding new tools or integrating it into other systems.


Taken from Teaching with CLARIN: 

Training Discovery Toolkit