The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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FAIR data

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Introduction to Research Data Management and Open Research

This presentation was delivered virtually for Botswana Open University Library on 17th May 2021 as part of a Foundational Data Stewardship Workshop. It is primarily aimed at data stewards but can also be useful to researchers and RDM service providers and should be viewed in conjunction with these two other presentations that were part of the same workshop:

  • DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4665390 (Open and Responsible Research: Roles and Responsibilities for Data Stewards)
  • DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4561728 (Developing and Implementing a Research Data Policy)
FAIR from the perspective of the Humanities

Slides presented at the Applying the FAIR data principles in day-to-day library practice workshop at the LIBER2019 conference on 29.06.2019.

How to make the most of your publications in the humanities?

The workshop jointly organized by FOSTER Plus and DARIAH-EU will focus on domain-specific practices of opening up scholarly communication in Arts and Humanities. Publishing is a relevant topic for each and every researcher regardless on career status or research interest. The workshop aims to draw a picture on the changing landscape of scholarly communication and to help equip researchers at all career stages (focusing on early-career researchers) with the skills they need to excel in this open environment.

To share best practices and generate fruitful discussions on trends, innovations, and present-day challenges in Open Access publishing in the Arts and Humanities, different stakeholder perspectives will be brought together such as representatives of next-generation publishing platforms, research infrastructures, librarians, and researchers from different areas and career stages.

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EOSC-Synergy Training Platform

EOSC-Synergy training platform is set of tools for the creation and conduction EOSC related training courses. It facilitates cloud related courses providing tools for interactive computing. The platform is based on the container’s technologies, that allows for combining together in a suitable learning setup for students/training participants.

CESSDA Resource Directory

The Directory gathers resources which are already available across various institutional websites. Information on relevant documents, training activities, tools, and support services resulting from past and current CESSDA projects and SP activities have been collected, selected, and reviewed specifically for this purpose. The Resource Directory is therefore a curated inventory of these resources. In order to guide the users within the Directory, specific labels, descriptions, and metadata were applied to index and define the resources. The labels and metadata can be used for a more user-friendly search, allowing easy and rapid access to the resources of interest.

Belmont Forum e-Infrastructures & Data Management Toolkit

This repository contains resources (links to training, policies, best practices, and other information) that enable Belmont Forum researchers to meet the Data Management expectations described in the Data and Digital Objects Management Plan, as well as a step-by-step guide to completing the DDOMP at the stages of pre-proposal, full proposal, and awarded projects. "Toolkit Training" video tutorials are available on YouTube for information about the material featured here and the structure of the site.

IIIF - International Image Interoperability Framework

The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a group of standard APIs around sharing and reuse of media. It is also a growing community of galleries, libraries, archives, museums, companies, and others who develop the standards and interoperable software implementations. Content includes helpful links around each of the standards, demonstrations of their use, and tutorials and presentations. The list is especially helpful for orienting new community members and developers.

TeSS (Training eSupport System)

Browsing, discovering and organising life sciences training resources, aggregated from ELIXIR nodes and 3rd-party providers.