The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Living for Tomorrow (reg. 80107048) was founded on August 17, 1999. The organisation was created by people looking for ways to transform Sexual Health Education and Human Trafficking prevention: engage gender-sensitive active learning, make it inclusive, acceptable, interesting and comprehensible.

Among its publications, this NGO offers Guidance for Training the Trainers with useful tips and methodologies to conduct Train-The-Trainer sessions.

Responsible organisation
Intended audience
Curated topics


Title Description Collections
Guidelines for Training of Trainers: A Curriculum

This six-day training of trainers (TOT) curriculum is designed for approximately 25 participants. The material can be reused when designing other Training-of-trainers workshops. In addition, as noted in the description of each exercise, some of them may be suitable for the training of peer educators and for field work, where peer educators work with target groups of young people.

Many topics and techniques described in this curriculum are accompanied by training notes. These provide information to help trainers understand why a topic is important or how specific techniques will contribute to the objectives of the peer education training of trainers.

Training Discovery Toolkit